Oyo Govt Boosts Primary Healthcare Efficiency with Distribution of Laptops, Printers

Oyo state government in collaboration with Impact a major partner of the board has distributed brand new Hp Laptops and printers to 351 Primary health care centers across the state for data processing, collation and proficiency in discharging their duties.

The board equally handed over three well refurbished ambulances to three local governments to enhance their efficiency and operations.

The event which was an intervention programme by the state government and Impact company to enhance the proficiency level of all the health officers at the Primary health care level.

Speaking at the ceremony held on Monday at the conference room of the Oyo state Primary Healthcare Board, Agodi Secretariat, Ibadan, the Board Chairman, Honorable Abiodun Awoleye said the gesture marked a pivotal moment in the transition towards a more efficient and technology-driven primary healthcare system in the state.

Awoleye, who noted that domestication of State Primary Healthcare Board across the nation.

He explained that the move was part of the Seyi Makinde led government’s commitment to enhancing healthcare delivery and streamlining administrative processes within the Primary Health Care (PHC) sector.

“By equipping personnel with laptops, the Makinde led government aims to facilitate smoother data management, improved communication, and enhance efficiency in service delivery.

Digital transformation has become increasingly imperative in the healthcare sector, with technological innovations offering solutions to longstanding challenges. Hon. Awoleyele stated.

In his brief remarks shortly before the symbolic presentation of the items to 13 local governments out of the 33, The Executive Secretary of the Board, Dr Muideen Olatunji noted that the adoption of digital tools as part of the board’s transition to digital operations is a proactive measure to address issues such as record-keeping, resource allocation, and patient care.

He added that some of the primary benefits of the initiative are the digitization of patient records and administrative tasks, effective data gathering, as well as data communication efficiency.

He said: “With access to these laptops, our PHC personnel across the 33 local governments can now input, update, and retrieve patient information more efficiently.

This will not only save time but also ensure accuracy and accessibility of crucial medical data for administrative purpose.”

He stated further that the distribution of laptops and printers will enable better communication and coordination among healthcare workers within the PHC system through email, instant messaging, and other digital platforms which will help personnel collaborate more effectively, share important updates, and seek guidance from senior professionals when needed.

According to the Project Manager from Impact, Dr Johnson Osoko, use of laptops which he said have been fully installed with necessary application softwares and antivirus can facilitate PHC personnel’s capacity-building in performing their duties more efficiently.

He said the digitalization of PHC services in Oyo state has the potential to enhance patient care and outcomes.

He however, cautioned that the items are not gifts that could be handled with levity stressing the need to take proper and adequate care of the laptops and printers and warned that erring personnel mishandle the tools would not go without necessary sanctions after being made to pay in the event of damages.

“With streamlined administrative processes, healthcare Oyo state PHCs across the 33 local governments can focus more on delivering quality services and addressing the healthcare needs of the people at the grassroots.”

Speaking with Journalists shortly after presenting the keys of the well refurbished ambulance belonging to Ogo Oluwa Local Government being one of the three first beneficiaries of the refurbished ambulances, Hon. Awoleye said the gesture was a clear testament to the resolve of the Makinde led government towards quality and enhanced healthcare service delivery in the state.

“This Intervention is from Impact, a major partner of Oyo State Primary Healthcare Board, as one the intervention programs lined up for the board.

Some the inventions have been done at the facility level so, this is at the local government level now for effective monitoring by our officers and to keep accurate data, that is why the board deemed it fit to go by the way of this project at the local government level.” Awoleyele added.

Dr Olatunji also told journalists that even though local government PHC officers have been trained to effectively use the digital facilities, more trainings will be provided intermittently at different intervals to keep them fully updated and abreast with the demands of their offices.

In his words: “Knowledge is continuum so, what we’re trying to do is to give them these laptops computers and printers for us to organize more training for them to further enhance their capacity on the use and management of these facilities.

You know the ICT world is ever changing and evolving so we’re limiting ourselves to the Monitoring and Evaluation officers as well as the Local Immunization officers.

We’re even involving the Officers in charge of facilities and primary healthcare coordinators of each local government. So the key front line workers are going to be put together in each of the local government and organize a computer training for to further enhance their proficiency.”

The local government that have received their Laptops and printers include Akinyele, Egbeda, Ibadan North, Ibadan Northwest, Ibadan South-West, Ibadan North East, Ibadan South East, Ido, Lagelu, Ona Ara, Oluyole, Ogo-Oluwa and Iseyin.

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