Egbeda LG boss extends dividends of democracy to 9 communities, 2 individuals

…As Eighteen communities Benefits from the LG

Egbeda Local Government Area of Oyo State has distributed over five million naira to eleven Communities to support them in their various developmental projects

The program which was held at the local government premises today.

While addressing journalists, The Chairman Egbeda local, Hon. Sikiru Sanda admonished the beneficiaries to use the money given to them for the purpose which the are meant for.

He further assured to monitor the money that has just been distributed to the communities whether they are been used for the purpose the money were being given.

Hon. Sanda extended his appreciation to Governor Makinde for given him the opportunity to showcase his capabilities.

He assured the people of Egbeda local government must not to be scared on the forthcoming local government election for it will be free and fair, noting that he is confident of been re-elected at the forthcoming poll in April.

The local government boss advised the communities that have not benefited from the local government to be patient and continue with the trust they have in them since the beginning of his administration.

In their separate remarks, One of the communities that benefited from the kind gesture of Egbeda local government, The Chairman Landlord of Hope Community, Pastor Isaac Makinde, extended the community appreciation to the chairman for the support given to them in building community health care centre for the community and for keeping to his word.

He further assured the support of hope community to Hon. Sanda at the forthcoming local government election in April.

Another remark from the representative of Ayede modern town, Ward two,, Egbeda local government, Mr Fadiji Olanrewaju also appreciated the local government for keeping to his words and promised the chairman that the money will be used for the purpose it is meant for and for the development of the community.

Some of the communities that benefited from the gesture of Hon. Sikiru Sanda are; Hope Community, Ayede Community, Olokuta Meji Community, Alalubosa Community, Oki Community, Aroye Community and some other communities in Egbeda local government.

The Communities that have been benefited from Egbeda local government were Eighteen and have enjoyed the infrastructural development from the local government.

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