Stop Cursing Power Sector, there’s power in Tongue-Amb. Idris Busari pleads ahead for Adelabu

Ambassador Idris Busari has called on the Nigerians to stop Cursing the power sector in Nigeria, and rather build their trust In the new leadership of Adelabu,stating that it is the most challenging sector that receives negative reactions from the citizens.

Ambassador Idris Busari in a Media chat stressed the sector is the most cursed sector in the whole world with over 2million Nigerians cursing them every hour of the day for over 30years whenever there is electricity cut,he further stated that they should realise that there is power in the tongue “historically the power sector in Nigeria has been a major factor and the bane of economic growth and development, since all these while the efforts of goverment regarding the sector has been a futile exercise, it is also known to be a drain pipe in the past for corrupt officials trusted with the obligation of making it work.

He stated further that “it takes a lion heart to take a lion share,this perhaps informed the decision of Mr president to choose and inaugurated Chief Bayo Adelabu as the Minister of Power.”

“Any leader that worths it’s onion would want to put an individual that has a very good credential to mount a post for sustainability of agenda that would yield a positive results.”

“The Nigerian Citizens have suffered enough and hope a day would come when they would begin to enjoy the dividends of good governance in the power sector. It is understandable that the economic growth of a Nation rests solely on stable power supply “,

The transition of the power sector nomenclature from NEPA to PHCN and now to Gencos, TCN and Discos is another catastrophe considering government futile intervention for stability which has yielded no positive change so far.

The emergence of Chief Adelabu elicits mixed reactions of both constructive and otherwise from Nigerians . Looking at the renewed hope agenda of the present administration,
Ambassador Idris Busari cautioned Nigerian Citizens from cursing the power sector but hope that Chief Adelabu’s administrative capacity in the banking sector will create a scenario were revenue generated and spent will be carefully managed while his influence in International relations will turn things around in the power sector, he therefore enjoined the people to rather pray and hope for a better time to come as far as power sector is concerned.

“Without a shadow of doubt Chief Adelabu is eminently qualified for the job and the position given to him considering his resourcefulness, disposition, courage and more importantly his administrative acumen

Ambassador Idris Busari made reference to Chief Adelabu’s credentials as a first class graduate of Accountancy from Obafemi Awolowo University who had a brief stint in a financial and management consulting firm,Coopers and Lybrand,a foremost financial and Audit consulting firm, he later became an Executive Director of First bank PLC and retired as Deputy Governor Central Bank of Nigeria.

He stated further that “having successfully managed huge investment in real Estate, hospitality and Agricultural business with resounding feats hence his administrative ingenuity and competence will no doubt change the narratives in the power sector”.

Ambassador Idris Busari enjoys Nigerian Citizens to jettison negative approach and words of discouragement that trails the power sector but rather be optimistic and hope for better times as chief Adelabu takes the reign.

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