I remain committed to United PDP-Olopoeyan

…………Urges Party Stakeholders to go out and perform their franchise

By Ogundele Olanrewaju

As members of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Oyo State chapter are warming up for the state congress that has been scheduled for Saturday, October 16th, 2021 one of the stalwarts of the Party, Alhaji Adebisi Olopoeyan has urged party members to go out and exercise their franchise.

Speaking with journalists in his house at Idi Ape axis of Ibadan, the Capital City of Oyo State, Alhaji Olopoeyan said “I’m very optimistic that the congress will be peaceful.

Alhaji Olopoeyan when pressed further on the expectations of the congress said, recently Governor Makinde invited us for a meeting, just to brainstorm on the conduct of the congress, though I was not present at the meeting, but I was well briefed by my people that attended the meeting that we should go ahead with our own congress in any locations of our choice as the venue, so with this, there will be no problem.

“So since the Governor has told us to go ahead with our own congress, that after the whole exercise we will settle any differences that surface thereafter, with that I’m so optimistic that there is nothing to be worried nor panic about. Olopoeyan said.

In his response to the perceived lingerie crisis between him, some members of the party and the Governor, Alhaji Olopoeyan said, I’m not fighting the governor, as you can see he invited us for a meeting and we answered him, though I’m not there presently, at least my people attended the meeting and I was briefed about what happened at the meeting, so there is no crisis or issue between us.

Speaking about the parallel congress, Olopoeyan said, “this is not new in politics, this, not the first time we will be having parallel congresses, we have done the wards and local government congresses, we did our own separately, they also did their own separately, so this state congress will be conducted in the same manner, this does not mean that we are having a problem with anybody, it is usually after the congress that we do juxtapose the results ad fix whoever is going to represent us at the national convention.

“We can have parallel congress at the wards, local and state levels but it is only the national convention that we all have to come together to elect those who will emerge as our national executives, so it is not a new development in politics at all. Olopoeyan said.

Alhaji Adebisi Olopoeyan has declared that all his struggle is to have a united PDP.
National Daily news reports that as members of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Oyo State chapter are warming up for the state congress that has been scheduled for Saturday October 16th, 2021 one of the stalwarts of the Party, Alhaji Adebisi Olopoeyan has on Friday declared that all he desired for is a united and formidable PDP in the state.
Speaking on what is responsible for the lingerie crisis between him, some aggrieved members of the party, and the Governor Alhaji Olopoeyan said I don’t have any issue with the governor all I want is a stable structure for our party, whereby there will no be aggrieved faction and where the party members will be carry along in the scheme of things.
“Those are the people that have struggled and laboured for this party to come back to government and I think it will be fair enough for them to have a says in government they have laboured for, so I remain on my stand which is a United PDP, I want a formidable party that will give us the opportunity to win in the future elections.
“I don’t need anything from anyone than a formidable Party, if the party members that are loyal to us are enjoying the dividend of democracy, they will not scatter, they will not go to other party, they will be more dedicated and willingly ready to serve that party. If there are no party members again, who will then now vote for the party flag bearer on election day, even if we say the masses will vote, the party members are the one that will monitor the election, they are the one that will stand by their votes, they are the one that we use during the campaign, they are the one that will do the most essential jobs, they are the one that we normally use in canvassing the masses.
“Governor is in the right position to carry the party members along in the scheme of things, he is the one in the position to feel the pulse of the party members who have struggled for him to be in that office he occupy today and I think he should be the one to rescue the party and it’s members. he should listen to the party members and do the needful as you can see I’m not in government, I’m not the governor, I’m just a leader of the party that produced the Governor.

“I’m playing my part as a party leader in ensuring that the neglected party members didn’t go away, I’m on daily basis persuading them not to leave the party. But Governor knows the best thing to do, so at this juncture I urged all the party members to go out tomorrow for the state congress, I can assure them that there will not be crisis nor fight.

Alhaji Olopoeyan who briefed journalists ahead of the state Congress slated for Saturday in his house at Idi Ape axis of Ibadan, the Capital City of Oyo State, Alhaji Olopoeyan said “I’m very optimistic that the congress will be peaceful, because recently Governor Makinde invited us for a meeting to brainstorm on the conduct of the congress, though I was not present at the meeting, but I was well briefed by my people that attended the meeting that we should go ahead with our own congress in any locations of our choice as venue, so with this there will be no problem.
“So since the Governor has told us to go ahead with our own congress, that after the whole exercise we will settle any differences that surface thereafter, with that I’m so optimistic that there is nothing to be worried nor panic about. Olopoeyan said.
Speaking about the parallel congress, Olopoeyan said, “this is not new in politics, this not the first time we will be having parallel congresses, we have done the wards and local government congresses, we did our own separately, they also did their own separately, so this state congress will be conducted in the same manner, this does not mean that we are having problem with anybody, it is usually after the congress that we do juxtaposed the results ad fix whoever is going to represent us at the national convention.
“We can have parallel congress at the wards, local and state levels but it is only the national convention that we all have to come together to elect those who will emerge as our national executives, so it is not a new development in politics at all. Olopoeyan said.

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