Ogbomosho Chielf Imam impasse: Ayilara family Disowns Imam Teliat, Says No Family ties

The Imam Ayilara’s family compound in Ogbomoso has disowned the Chief Imam of Ogbomoso land, Alfa Teliat Yunus Olushina and alleged him of been an imposter and usurper who does not have any blood affinity with the family in Ogbomoso.

This was stated by the Publicity Secretary of Imam Ayialara’s family compound in Ogbomoso, Prince Hassan Kareem Ayilara, while reacting to the interview granted to Nigeria Tribune, which was published on Saturday, 20th, of April, 2024 by the Chief Imam of Ogbomoso, Alfa Teliat Olushina, while narrating how he became the Chief Imam of Ogbomoso.

It will be recall that there have been series of controversy over the position of Chief Imam in Ogbomoso since the demise of the late Sheikh Sanusi Ashifa, which the present Chief Imam of Ogbomoso had been claiming that he is from Ayilara’s family in Ogbomoso.

Addressing journalists at the world press conference organized by the Imam Ayilara’s family, The publicity Secretary, Prince Hassan Kareem Ayilara alleged that Alfa Teliat Yunus Olushina gotten to the position of Chief Imam of Ogbomoso through manipulations, deceit and lies by some powerful forces that connived with him to get to the position.

The family of Ayilara,however, frowned at the attitude of Alfa Teliat Yunus Olushina to the Imperial Majesty Oba Ghandi Afolabi Olaoye Orumogege lll by hurling insult at the Kabiyesi which is against Islamic culture, sons and daughters of Ogbomosoland

The family further disassociated themselves from Alfa Teliat Yunus Olushina despicable act noting that the family will continue to hold The Soun of Ogbomosoland in high esteem and honored the throne that made their forefathers Chief Imam of Ogbomosoland.

Prince Hassan Kareem Ayilara said that “following the demise of the last Grand Chief Imam, Sheikh Sanusi Ashifa, it became our turn to produce the Chief Imam.

“But through manipulations, deceits and lies, Alfa Teliat Yunus Olushina was put forward by some powerful forces to rob us.

“We vehemently protested from the outset even before the screening but they succeeded in muzzling us.

“We lodged our protest at the Ogbomoso palace but these powerful interests blocked our protest from reaching Kabiyesi then, His Imperial Majesty Oba (Dr.) Jimoh Oladunni Oyewumi Ajagungbade lll JP .

“But it is on record that Baba was skeptical and was mentioning someone else’s name and rejected Alfa Teliat Yunus Olushina, it can be confirmed in a video clip.

“But because of advanced age of the late Kabiyesi, Alfa Teliat Yunus Olushina’s name sailed.

“We meanwhile continue to protest till the day he was issued staff of office in the palace, on the 19th November, 2021.

“Since we were convinced Alfa Teliat Yunus Olushina ia an usurper, we persisted in vigorous protest.

“We tool the matter to the Soun-in-Council that administered the town in the absence of Soun after the demise of the late Soun of Ogbomoso, Oba (Dr.) Jimoh Oladunni Oyewunmi.

“Soun-in-Council instituted a panel which carried out a thorough investigation.

“The panel discovered Alfa Teliat Yunus Olushina has no blood affinity with Imam Ayilara’s family, whether make or female line.

“As a result he was advised in writing to step aside from the Imamship of Ogbomosoland, on November 10, 2022, he however jettisoned the advice and instead proceeded to the Oyo state High Court sitting in Ogbomoso on 27th January, 2023, to refrain the Soun-in-Council from removing him, in suit no. HOG/2/3M2023.

“On 3rd of September, 2023, an all encompassing meeting of the Imam Ayilara’s family descendants based in Ogbomoso and the diaspora was scheduled.

“The main aim was to hear Alfa Teliat Yunus Olushina’s version of history and was informed three weeks to the meeting but no showing up and keep giving one excuses or the other and to postpone it until he finally settled for September 3, 2023.

“The venue for the newly scheduled meeting was our family compound at Isale Afon.

“However, he orchestrated gun-wielding security agents to harass people in the area starting from about 6am and they occupied the venue.

“We quietly changed the venue and Alfa Teliat Yunus Olushina did not attend neither did his cohorts claiming likewise they are from Ayilara family.

“The meeting re-assessed his claim and undertook another careful verification against the background of his claims in some forums in the past that he belonged to four different lineages(at various times).

“They are Abass lineage at Isale Afon (an authentic Ayilara family); Aralamo at Ayilara, Isale Afon; Fasasi Ile-kewu, Oke-Agbede and Saka Amodu(Eja lonibu section of Ayilara, Isale Afon).

“While he is not from Abass Ayilara family the three others have no blood affinity with us.

“So we again found his claims false and we unanimously decided that Alfa Teliat Yunus Olushina has no genealogical relationship with Imam Ayilara family.

“And so we issued a disclaimer letter that he should look for his father’s house somewhere else.

“We state unequivocally that Imam Ayilara family of Ogbomosoland frowns at the deprecating insults consistently hurled at the Kabiyesi by the uncultured Alfa Teliat Yunus Olushina and against Muslim organizations, individuals and sons and daughters of Ogbomosoland.

“We consider it as a pathetic act of desperation and diversionary attempt to cover his fraud.

“We dissociate ourselves from his enfrontery, we can never be part of that as we hold the Soun Ogbomosoland in high esteem, whose dynasty made our forefathers Chief Imam of Ogbomosoland.

“Finally, there is no person known as Alfa Teliat Yunus Olushina in the Imam Ayilara family of Ogbomoso, he us an impostor and has been using the social media to blackmail the Soun of Ogbomosoland simply because he is a Christian, this is not a religious issue at all, it is purely a family affair to which we have now approached the court to give justice to this claim of an impostor.

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