Oyo Govt Organizes Five Days 2024 Annual Operational Plan For Quality Health Service Delivery

Oyo state government have organized a Five days 2024 Annual Operational Plan for the state health stakeholders to chart a way out for any health emergencies and for quality health service delivery in the state.

The event which was organized to prepare the Ministry of health ahead of the year 2024 and it was attended by various stakeholders across Ministry and MDA in the state.

While addressing journalist, the Permanent Secretary to Oyo stare Ministry of health, Dr. Adeyanju Olusoji said it is imperative for the Ministry to organize the program which to review the activities of the Ministry and to work on lapses in the coming year.

He assured that the Ministry will continue to work to reduce infant and maternal mortality in the state

Dr. Adeyanju said “The oyo state ministry of health in collaboration with UNICEF carring out stakeholders meeting on 2024 Annual Operational Plan in Oyo state.

“One of the things we are doing to reduce maternal mortality rate in the state is one of the things His Excellency is actually doing for us.

“You can see that he is improving health care service delivery at the primary health care level, at the Secondary health care level and at the Tertiary healthcare level and that is one of the reasons why the primary health care facilities are been renovated across all the geopolitical zones.

“As of today over 200 primary health care have been renovated and Making human resources available, some other facility available at the primary health care centre, so that health care service delivery will be accessible to the people of Oyo state because we know that if the primary health care level is strengthen people will not be transfer to secondary health care because at the end of the day not at the Tertiary healthcare centres.

“When people now get the information, our people need to access health care service delivery close to their environment and of course intervention could be carried out as soon as possible.

“His Excellency, in the last three weeks he has called me twice and he told us he said “what is the situation of the preparedness of oyo state in respect to anthrax, because it has been reported in some states, Kogi State, Lagos state and some other states.

“What is the level of preparedness of the state to the issue deteria, infact it has been reported in Osun and Lagos State that are very close to us and Kogi State and he also asked what is the level of preparedness to issue of meningitis and cholera.

“He also asked “what is the state of the infectious disease centre in Olodo?

“And of course, as am talking to you right now there are no confirmed cases in oyo state, no reported confirmed case of Anthrax in oyo state or Cholera.

“Most of the people that have cholera in Oyo State they were actually been taking care of.

“We have taken sample from them and non of them have been confirmed to be infected with cholera.

“His Excellency also asked us to ensure that infectious disease centre at Olodo is well set up so that in case any emergencies arises, then we will be able to attend to them and I want to tell you that after leaving this place we are going to infectious disease centre at Olodo, we ensure the place is ready to take care of any emergency that could arise from any of this public health emergency diseases in the state.

“The directorate of Public health actually sensitized the people and we have actually reorganize our team on weekly basis report of these public health diseases of important are actually been release to the people of the state, so that they will know where we are in oyo state.

“At the end of this program, what we intend to achieved when we called it Annual Operational Plan, we will actually to access.

“When we talk about Operational Plan we talked on what are you going to do it, who is going to do it, how are we going to implement it and who are the people that will do it and how are we going to do it step by step?

“We are here actually to review what we have done in the last year, the truth is in last three since His Excellency came on board, we are been doing this Annual Operational Plan on yearly basis.

“We thank His Excellency for giving us conducive environment to do this.

“What we are here to achieve mainly is to access what we have done in the last year and now using that to spring board to know what to do better in the coming year.

“The essence of it, is just like the mission of the ministry of health to ensure that every body in the state have access to quality health delivery and therefore delivering maternal mortality, infant mortality, even look at the figures that rolled out, our own infant mortality is less than national average but we want it to get it reduce better, so that any child that is born is survive, all our mother that are pregnant are survive and that is the essence of why we are here.

“My word of assurance for the people of the state is that, this administration ably led by His Excellency, Engineer Seyi Makinde is walking the talked in term of ensuring that health care service delivery in the state is at optimum level.

“We want to use this opportunity to thank all our implementing partner that are cooperating with Oyo state, all of them have been mentioned, especially the UNICEF that have actually sponsoring this program in collaboration with other implementing partner and we are ready to cooperate with them to ensure that every care that is necessary to enhance, to promote health delivery in the state will be done.

In his address, Director of planning, research and statistics of Oyo State Ministry of health, Dr. Gbolahan Abass said that the state ministry of health are putting all machineries in place to prevent the outbreak of any emerging diseases that come up in the coming year.

He further saud that the stakeholders meeting is to improve disease surveillance and swift response.

Dr Gbolahan added that “We are pre-developing Annual Operational Plan for health in Oyo state.

“We want a situation where whatever we are going to do in the next one year for 2024 that we plan for it, because whatever we don’t plan for most time it will fail, we gathered all the necessary partners, W.H.O, UNICEF all the partners that work in health in oyo state and also representatives from different MDA’s from Ministry of finance, Accountant-General, Auditors-General, Primary health care board, Hospital Management Board, OYSAA and the Institutions, LAUTECH, School of Nursing and School of Hygiene that we can have a comprehensive plan for health in the state.

“We are fortunate in Oyo state, we have outbreak of some emerging infectious diseases in Nigeria, one of them we have the deteria that is going, we have the Anthrax, Lassa Fever.

“We are fortunate in Oyo state that we do not have a case of any of those diseases.

“Cholera is seasonal health challenge which most time, we prepared for it that is why Oyo state we have our Epidemic Preparedness and Rapid Response Team that have been activated.

“We have met and already plan and prepositions some things that we are going to need even if there is outbreak.

“We are not saying because of outbreak then we are going to relax, so this is part of what we are doing.

“We still plan for emergency and outbreak response in this our annual operational plan.

“I want to advise the people of Oyo state, Oyo government have increased the physical space for health that is if you look at our primary health care centres that had been renovated and then some selected health facilities in Oyo state had also been renovated, Adeoyo Maternity hospital have been well equipped, Ring-road hospital had beenwell equipped, General Hospital Tede, General Hospital Saki, we have Ogbomoso LAUTECH, our people should access this facilities, they should discourage on having this self medication, those facilities are there for them, government have repaired them, we have drugs and basic health care provision fund and we have impact projects in the state that all those facilities fund has sent directly to them to ensure that they have enough drugs.

“We want the community people to really utilize the opportunities the government have provided for them so that they can improve their health status in the state.

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