Oyo HOS Charges VIO Officers To SHUN Fraud And Bribery

The Oyo State Head of Service, Alhaja Amidat Ololade Agboola has enjoined vehicle inspection officers to shun every form of fraud and restrain from receiving bribe in the discharge of their duties.

The Oyo state number one worker made this charge at a one day training and capacity development programme for vehicle inspection officers held at the premises of the Oyo state computerised inspection service (VIS) centre.

The Head of Service enjoined them that asides the road safety duty they perform, they also have a responsibility to generate revenue for the state government and theyhave to do that with utmost integrity .

Alhaja Agboola, who was represnted by the permanentSecretary, Service Matters, Alhaji Fatai Oladeinde, enjoined the officers to act within the ambit of the law and within the guidelines of the service book as the same law that guides the civil service also guides their practice.

Mrs Agboola stressed the fact that they are the link between the government and the road users.She added that the responsibility is on the officer, saying they are to represent the government in their best interest, adding thatv whatever they do can either be inimical or favourable to the state government and by extension the state governor’s image.

The Head of

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