Dr. Fagbemi Hails Agboworin @54

The Chairman of Oyo State Hospital Management Board, Dr. Akin Fagbemi has congratulated Hon Abass Adigun Agboworin, the member house of representatives representing Ibadan SouthEast and NorthEast Federal Constituency on his birthday.

Fagbemi in a statement on Friday, said the federal lawmaker is a brilliant personality, an amazing politician, a silent achiever, acknowledging his contributions to Oyo State.

“Agboworin has distinguished himself as a federal lawmaker of Oyo State and has done creditably well in discharging his duties to the admiration of everyone.

“As you begin a new year today, may your heart desires be granted and keep celebrating more years in wisdom by the special grace of the Almighty.”

“Have a fantastic celebrations.”

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