International Widows Day: Mrs Makinde Empowers Over 300 Widows Across the State

…As she charges Widows to be self-reliant, take care of themselves and children

The wife of Oyo State Governor, Engr. Tamunominini Makinde, has empowered over 300 widows across the 33 local government areas of the state to promote self-reliance and overcome economic challenges.

The empowerment programme, commemorating International Widows Day, aims to support the less privileged and vulnerable.

Mrs. Makinde, represented by the Commissioner for Women Affairs and Social Inclusion, Mrs. Toyin Balogun, urged widows to prioritize their well-being, basic needs, and children’s care.

She said that “Empowering widows is crucial to enhancing our society, and I charge you all to take care of yourselves, your basic needs, and your children.

“As far as Oyo state is concerned, what foremost in the mind of the government of the day is the sustainability of the welfare all citizens which includes; the Widows, The Children, The Elderly and The entire broad spectrum of vulnerable in our society.

In her remark,The Commissioner for Health, Dr. Mrs. Oluwaserimi Ajetunmobi (represented by Omokehinde Oyebode), emphasized the importance of personal and environmental hygiene and regular medical check-ups.

She noted that “personal and environmental hygiene is key to longevity, and regular medical check-ups are essential.

“Let me further advice you to clean up your environment because of the outbreak of Cholera and ensure you send your children to schools for them to take care of you when you are old, she said.

At the end of the event Beneficiaries received cash gifts, rice, beans, and vegetable oil to alleviate economic hardship.

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