Oyo NUJ mourns departed colleagues, Ogunesan, Ojo

The Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), Oyo State Council, has described the deaths of Deacon Tunde Ogunesan and Mrs Victoria Ojo as a great loss to the council as well as journalism profession.

The NUJ in a statement jointly signed by its Chairman, Ademola Babalola, and Secretary, Olusola Oladapo, described the death of the duo as a big blow too difficult to bear.

Ogunesan, a former Chief Correspondent and one-time NUJ Chairman with African Newspapers of Nigeria (ANN) Plc, publisher of Tribune Titles, was until his death the Secretary, Saki East Local Government Area, Ago-Amodu in Oke-Ogun zone of Oyo State.

In the same vein, Ojo was in the Programmes Department of the Amuludun FM, Moniya, Ibadan, which is a branch of the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN), Ibadan Zonal Station.

The NUJ described Ogunesan as a thoroughbred professional, whose contributions to the NUJ cannot be underestimated.

“Tunde Ogunesan was a pious Christian, a just personality and great advocate for justice and fairplay in the union matters. He was hardworking and he was an exemplar of a good family man.

“Also, Mrs. Victoria Ojo, was a quintessential journalist, a good wife and mother. The vacuum she left behind would be very difficult to fill.

“However, it must be stated that death is inevitable end of every human being. The holy book says, there is time for everything; a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to harvest.

“So, we urge all and sundry to do good always because no one knows the time the end will come. It is also important for everyone of us to know our health status and take good care of it.

“Our prayer is that may Almighty God grant the bereaved families the fortitude to bear the irreplaceable losses, and may God cancel premature death in our midst and bless us all with long life, sound health and prosperity,” the union said.

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