OYRTMA Partners security agencies on readiness for election

Oyo state Road Transport Management Authority has collaborated with Nigerian Army and other security agencies in their readiness for the upcoming election which will be coming in the next 14 days.

Oyo state road management authority while joining Nigerian Army and other security agencies in a road match with the new General Officer Commanding 2 Division Nigerian Army, Major General Takuti Usman to show their fitness and preparation for the coming election.

While addressing Journalists, The executive chairman Oyo state road management authority, Mogaji Akin Fagbemi said that the road match is an exercise that is good for the state which show that there is security Oyo state and to make the people of the state to understand that there should be no cause for alarm to the security of the state.

He further assured the good people of the state to have confidence in the state security architecture and promised that there will be orderliness and be peaceful.

Fagbemi added that the road match exercise is imperative which make the officers to keep fit and be effective in their duty.

Fagbemi noted that road match exercise showed that there is partnership among all the security agencies in the state which has been translating to peace in the state.

He appreciated His Excellency governor Seyi makinde for the privilege given to him to serve in that capacity.

Fagbemi stated that “The Road match is something that is very good for the state, His Excellency Engineer Oluwaseyi Abiodun Makinde, he is so apt in ensuring that there security, there is law and order in the state.

“And this has show collaboration, partnership and friendliness and the police too are here.

“So we are happy to be here, it is a joint force and we want to say to the people of Oyo state that the general elections would be peaceful, there would be orderliness and everyone would be protected.

“We thank His Excellency Engineer Oluwaseyi Abiodun Makinde for this great privilege, we thank the new general officer commanding 2 Mechanized Division, General Takuti Usman and all military and paramilitary agencies and the heads we hope for better days ahead.

“And again this exercise has really help us to keep fit, so that we can serve not only the nation, the state not only the state and also serve ourselves, because a healthy body is good for any nation, so am glad to be part of and OYRTMA too is here and we are joyful with that.

“This exercise is key, it means everybody is working together , nobody is working in sylos, you can see Amotekun here, it shows that there is no agency that will be left behind and where there is unity and when there is collaboration, we should ensure that everybody will be happy and then the state will be well secure.

“His Excellency Engineer Oluwaseyi Abiodun Makinde, do you know that security is part of his priorities as part of four cardinal point, especially looking at Omi-titun 1.0, so looking at it and we can see the moral here very high, it shows that it has been very good to the military paramilitary agencies in the state, he has been very supportive and the state should expect more better protection under his Excellency.

Earlier in his remark, the General Officer Commanding 2 Division Nigerian Army, Major General Takuti Usman, said that 2 Division Nigerian Army will continue to maintain the standard of conducting road exercise routine to keep the troops fit.

He charged all the troops to make sure they make themselves ready for the coming election inorder for the state to continue to enjoy unprecedented peace in the state and for every eligible voters to have their right to vote without molestation by the enemies of the state.

Major General Usman commended the troops for the exercise for their readiness and gallant manner they have embrace the exercise.

He said that “Am really impress with all of you.

“We shall maintain this standard, even if it is one in a month.

“We are all here in this state to help the government to maintain peace and security.

“To maintain peace generally, so that everything can run very well.

” We also know that we are heading towards general elections for the country, let us put in all effort make sure we provide peaceful environment so that everybody will have his or her right to Vote.

“After leaving here find time even if it is once in a week to exercise yourself we need it for our fitnessand health because without good health you can serve anybody, he said.

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